Come to one or both of the Thermae Romae film showings at the Chicago Cultural Center! Based on the best selling manga series written by Mari Yamazaki, this comedy follows a Roman architect named Lucius, who is having trouble coming up with new ideas and loses his job. One day, when at a spa with his friend, he discovers a hidden tunnel underneath that leads him to a Japanese bath house. Inspired by the innovations found there, he creates his own spa bringing in the modern ideas he finds in Japan to Ancient Rome.
Directed by Hideki Takeuchi, the film has won awards including Outstanding Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role (for Hiroshi Abe) in the 2013 (36th) Japan Academy Prize, Tsutaya Fan Award (Japanese Film) in the 2012 (67th) Mainichi Film Awards, and Best Actor (for Hiroshi Abe) in the 2012 (55th) Blue Ribbon Awards.
When: August 7, 2013 at 6:30pm &
August 10, 2013 at 2PM
Where: Claudia Cassidy Theater at the Chicago Cultural Center
78 E. Washington Street, 2nd floor
Chicago, IL