Anime Festival presented by
March 8-15 2014
Location: Kabuki Japanese Restaurant
2473 N Clark
Chicago, IL
More info:
If you have ever driven down Clark, you’ve seen the restaurant. Kabuki.
That place is all about getting together. And they are hosting an anime festival. Well. WE are hosting an anime festival!
In Japan, Kabuki is a classic Japanese dance-drama. In Chicago, it’s a fantastic family owned sushi restaurant. Since I have met the owners, they have treated me like family. The owners, Mike and Ellen, support each other, me, and all the guests in their establishment. It’s perfect isn’t it?! Kabuki is about working together, enjoyment, and skill. Beautiful sushi, charming atmosphere, and now… anime!
Mike and Ellen are always moving forward. They want to bring people together and serve great food. As they were looking for ideas to help people survive this crazy winter, I suggested an Anime Festival and … they loved it! So, here we are Kichi*gi and Kabuki working together for a week long anime festival.
Let’s teach people about anime. Let’s support a family business. Let’s nurture the Chicago anime community. Learn, watch and most of all have fun! As Kichi*Gi, we are going to update what’s going on at Kabuki and how we are all preparing for the festival. Stay tuned to keep updated on the best news!
Kabuki & Kichi*gi is proud to announce a week long anime festival. Let’s get together and watch some anime.
Cosplay is super encouraged! Super saiyan encouraged!