I hope you all are surviving this brutal heat we have been having, and that your basements have remained dry, and your power has stayed on for the most part. This month is crazy with events, and JAPC has been offered a fan table at Wizard World. If our application is approved, we will be teaming up with Jamie of AnimeChicago.com to spead the word of local anime/manga community networking! I will let you all know our location if our application is approved so you can stop by. Thanks to all those members who keep this group active by commenting in the forums, starting new topics, and participating in our meetings!
There is certainly no lack of events happening in August! The meetup opportunities are endless, and I want to make sure that you all feel free to plan meetups at these events among yourselves. Just because I don’t attend an event, and plan a meetup, doesn’t mean you can’t! Take the initiative , help make JAPC a great place to meet new people with your interests!
Have you checked out our new, redesigned website? It’s really cool and awesome and stuff, and you can check it out here:
[notice]Our next Anime Meeting is on August 27, 2011, which happens to be international cosplay day![/notice]
August 5,6,12,13 2011
TRIGUN: BADLANDS RUMBLE at Music Box 8/5, 8/6, 8/12, 8/13
August 6, 2011
Mitsuwa Bon Festival – August 6, 2011
August 11-14, 2011
Wizard World Chicago Comic Con, August 11-14, 2011
August 12-14, 2011
56th Annual Ginza Festival – August 12-14, 2011
August 19-21, 2011
Anime World Chicago – August 19-21, 2011
August 27, 2011
2nd Annual International Cosplay Day – 8/27/2011
Want to meetup at the Faire? Check out the forum discussion!
Bristol Renaissance Faire July 9 – September 5, 2011
Welcome our new members!
- Lio D
- Hannah Scarpelli
- Jorge Rivera
- Kelvin D.
- Ben
- Carlos Colon
- Erek A
Ongoing/Active topics:
>The really pointless thread of insane fun.
>“Mix Tape” music exchange!
Remember when you used to make “mix tapes” for your friends of songs you
really liked? Wouldn’t it be cool to share your favorite music with your
friends here at JAPC?
>Your JAPC DAY!!
Each member gets a “day” where they can share whatever they’d like.
This might be something like 1 hour of anime, games, internet videos,
art projects, panel discussion, or whatever as long as it’s not Hentai.
>Talk about what you’re watching/reading in the Anime/Manga Forum!
>Currently Reading – Manga commentary and conversations!
>Currently Watching: Anime commentary and conversations!
As always, keep an eye on the JAPC BLOG, forum and Facebook page for updates!
Thanks for reading!
Newsletter feedback:
Thanks for reading,
Jen Gedonius
JAPC President