From time to time, we like to know how we are doing. The Planning Team has put together a member survey that will give you the opportunity to share your thoughts anonymously and help us improve. We hope to keep improving and making the club more about you, but we don’t know what’s broken if you don’t tell us!
Category: Club Announcements
The July Manga Discussion has been cancelled due to schedule conflicts and lack of interest. See you next month…
In conjunction with the May 16th opening of Godzilla (2014), Rob and I decided it would be a good idea to have another installment of Kaiju day on May 25, 2014. For those that don’t know, Kaiju is the Japanese word for giant monster/giant creature. So like Godzilla, King Kong, Gamera etc are giant monsters so Kaiju is the term associated with those films. They are basically campy, special effects loaded movies with people in giant rubber monster suits smashing around little models of cities and buildings.
August 8-11, 2013. Join tens of thousands of fans as they converge at the Donald E. Stephen Convention Center (Rosemont) at Chicago Comic Con Wizard World Convention to celebrate the best in pop culture. Chicago Comic Con brings it all – Movies, Comics, Toys, Video Gaming, Games, TV, Graphic Novels, Horror, Wrestling, MMA, Original Art, Collectibles, Anime, Manga & More! Chicago Comic Con is brought to you by the group who produces the most widely attended Comic Con tour!