SoyCon 7: The School Edition

SoyCon 7SOYCON 7: The School Edition [June 28-29, 2014]

Ned Brown’s Meadow, Rolling Meadows, IL
Facebook Event Page:

The largest cosplay gathering of the midwest returns with more moments, more memories, and more fun! This year’s theme is “School”. That means to bring out your school costumes & school outfits and attend our class known as SoyCon!The final official date for this year is Saturday June 28th and Sunday June 29th. As for the location, we will be back at Ned Brown’s Meadow in Rolling Meadows, IL. (Same exact location as we had from our previous years.)

Official Events Planned: (thus far)
Interpretive Dance Central 4
Show & Tell Presentation
Senpai Smackdown
Moe Moe Tea Time
The Battlefield: Pokemon Edition
Shingeki no Spelling

These few events are some to look forward to and more at SoyCon this year! We hope to see you all there!

Class Sessions Coming Soon!

Come and socialize with us!
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Author: Jenn

President, publisher, and blogger since October 2000