Established in October of 2000, Japanese Anime People of Chicago (JAPC) is a non-profit, independent, privately owned and operated Anime and Manga club for connecting fans in the Chicagoland area.
Members often describe this club as a group of friends hanging out and having fun. Members of this club meet in a casual, informal setting: members’ apartments, restaurants, movies, festivals, conventions, etc.
The Forums are the primary communication method among members for all networking, events, and discussions. To view or participate in our events and activities, you must be a member of our forums and agree to our Rules & Guidelines. To learn more about how JAPC works, click here. Also, check out our general FAQ and Meeting FAQ for any questions you may have!
Please be advised that our meetings are intended for older viewers, and the anime we show may be unsuitable for young children. Where possible we will give warnings and ratings, but there is no unified standard for content ratings, so we cannot be held responsible for the contents of material shown.